It is spring, that time of year when the weather is beautiful, the flowers are blooming, and we find ourselves and our beloved pets wanting to enjoy the outdoors. Many pet owners do not know the dangers of some of the plants that our pets are exposed to, even in our own yards. There are many plants that are toxic to our pets. Two of the more common ones being the Sago Palm and Lilies.


Alternate names: Cycads, Cycadaceae, Zamias, Macrozamia, Cardboard palm
These ornamental plants are sold everywhere and come in many different sizes. They are commonly found as outside landscape greenery, as well as indoor bonsai plants. All parts of the sago palm are considered to be poisonous, the seeds (nuts) being the most toxic. The sago palm contains cycasin, this active toxin can cause severe liver failure. If your pet is to ingest any part of the sago palm, you should take them to your veterinarian immediately. This plant is one of the most toxic. even with aggressive treatment the survival rate is only 50%.


There are many types of lilies; some are benign, and some are dangerous. Peace, Peruvian, and Calla lilies are considered to be benign. If your pet were to chew/ ingest one of these types, you may notice clinical signs such as drooling, foaming at the mouth, irritation of the mouth and gums, and vomiting. True lilies (Lilium or Hemerocallis species) such as Tiger, Day, Easter, Japanese, Stargazer, Red, Western, Wood, Rubrum, and Asiatic hybrid are considered much more dangerous, and may result in kidney failure if ingested. IV fluid therapy, supportive care, and blood test to monitor kidney function can greatly improve the prognosis. If your pet has consumed any part of a lily they should be seen immediately by your veterinarian.

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